In a Sunday interview on New York AM WABC 770 radio’s “The Cats Roundtable,” Donald Trump pollster John McLaughlin suggested the former president was leading the potential Democratic field should he run again in 2024.
Author: Angela Bernal
Hawaii Will Not Mandate Booster Shots for Travelers
The state of Hawaii has reversed course and will not be mandating that travelers to the islands show proof of a booster shot.
Exclusive: Rep. Mo Brooks Introduces Measure Allowing Officials to End Settlement of Illegal Aliens in Their States
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) on Wednesday is introducing a measure designed to “empower” local elected officials, including governors, to refuse the federal government’s attempts to resettle illegal aliens in their communities, citing the Biden administration’s “reckless policies” that have left communities in utter shambles.
Vanity Fair Attacks ‘Pro-Death’ Republicans for Opposing Vax Mandates
Republicans are “pro-death” as well as “anti-science and anti-rational thought,” according to a recent Vanity Fair piece that blasts them for being “all in on eradicating Biden’s vaccine mandates for businesses,” while charging they will persist “until every American has the right to get COVID-19.”
Newsmax and OAN Back Far-Left Pick for FCC Commissioner Who Wants to Censor Conservative Channels
One America News (OAN) and Newsmax are backing Joe Biden’s far-left, radical pick for FCC commissioner, Gigi Sohn, despite the fact that she and the organization she co-founded have called for the blacklisting of conservative broadcasters — including OAN.
White House: Unvaccinated Americans Entirely Responsible for Joe Biden's Failure to Stop Coronavirus
The White House blamed unvaccinated Americans on Thursday for President Joe Biden’s failure to control the coronavirus pandemic.