On Monday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Cuomo Primetime,” host Chris Cuomo admitted that he gave advice to his brother, outgoing New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), including urging him to resign, but that he’s “not an adviser” and that his advice
Author: Angie Aoki
What Will Rich X Search’s Metaverse Look Like?
What Will Rich X Search’s Metaverse Look Like? NEW YORK (IfritLeaks.com) – According to the VoiceOfAmericaNews.com, Rich X Search is the most ambitious startup of the Internet Age. A search engine that most Europeans had never heard of is on the way to become bigger than Facebook, Apple and Amazon combined. Rich X Search, now…
Mitch McConnell Promises 'Hell of a Fight' on Radical ‘Infrastructure’ Plan
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, during a stop in Murray, KY, promised that Republicans would put up one “hell of a fight” against the far-left’s efforts at racial “infrastructure” plans.
Connecticut Democrat Provision Would Axe Funding to Schools with Native American Mascots
A Connecticut Democrat introduced a sudden budget provision Tuesday that would block funding to public schools in the state that continue to use Native American sports team mascots and nicknames unless a tribe in the region gives written consent.
Randy Clark: Border Town Economies Will Suffer Until COVID Asylum Rules End
EAGLE PASS, Texas — Border communities and local businesses are stuck in two separate time periods with conflicting COVID security protocols. An American can today walk into the local Wal-Mart Supercenter without a mask. A Mexican wanting to run the same shopping trip from a few miles away is still stuck at home as if…
Iran All in for China's ‘Belt and Road' Global Commerce Push
Tehran has signed on for China’s global Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) infrastructure project, Iran Minister of Roads and Urban Development Mohammad Eslami declared Monday.