The potential for government abuse of your civil liberties in a digital dollar economic environment are limitless and terrifying. Here’s how to prepare now.
Author: Ashley McClain
Alibaba Founder Jack Ma Returns to China After Crackdown on Tech Billionaires
Jack Ma, the once-flamboyant billionaire founder of tech giant Alibaba, re-appeared in China last week after spending over a year in exile.
Brian Kemp Declares State of Emergency After Anti-Police Riots, Activates Georgia National Guard
Gov. Brian Kemp (R) declared a temporary state of emergency in Georgia on Thursday and activated 1,000 Georgia National Guard troops in response to recent anti-police protests and destructive riots in Atlanta.
Brittney Griner Urges Supporters to Write Paul Whelan Letters
Brittney Griner has asked her supporters to write Paul Whelan letters while he waits for the United States to negotiate his release.
California Republican Rep. Mike Garcia Continues to Lead in Reelection Bid as Votes are Still Tallied
California Republican Rep. Mike Garcia continues to hold a significant lead Friday afternoon in his reelection bid as he faces Democrat Christy Smith for the third time.
VIDEO: North Carolina High Schools Cancel Volleyball Games Against One School After Transgender Player Injures Girl
High schools in Cherokee County, North Carolina, have canceled volleyball matches against one school trans athlete injured a girl.