The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania will reportedly issue a study Wednesday that reveals President Joe Biden’s reconciliation package will not be free, although the White House has claimed it would cost “zero” dollars.
Author: Beverly Barnhart
Gun Dealer Sells ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Parts and Ammo
Palmetto State Armory, a South Carolina gun store, is marketing gun parts and ammo using the famous anti-Biden phrase “Let’s Go, Brandon.”
Flashback: Colin Kaepernick Claimed He Was Training for Comeback Despite Calling NFL 'Slavery'
Only weeks ago, former NFL player Colin Kaepernick was claiming that he was still training for a pro football comeback.
Report: Brazilian Opposition Mulled Genocide Charges on Bolsonaro over Coronavirus
Leftist opposition senators in Brazil reportedly penned a draft report recommending charging President Jair Bolsonaro with homicide, and even genocide, for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic; the accusations disappeared from the report Wednesday.
GOP Rep. Palmer: Biden Administration the 'Most Inept, Incompetent National Security Team' We've Ever Seen in the White House
Representative Gary Palmer (R-AL), the chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee, says we have a new standard for the worst handling of a national security crisis, which dates back to the Carter administration of the 1970s.
Report Claims W.H.O. Draft Study Blames Bat Caves, Not Wuhan Lab, for Coronavirus Pandemic
A report compiled by the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) in collaboration with China on the origins of coronavirus claims it leapt from bats to humans through another animal and not via a laboratory leak in the city of Wuhan, a draft copy obtained by The Associated Press claims.