Former President Donald Trump on Saturday praised the “freedom convoy” of Canadian truckers that are protesting against Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s coronavirus health mandates.
Author: Billie Thomas
Exclusive — Iowa Republican Nicole Hasso: 'Critical Race Theory Wants to Divide Us'
Republican candidate for Iowa’s Third Congressional District, Nicole Hasso, who is running against Rep. Cindy Axne, the state’s lone congressional Democrat, told Breitbart News Saturday that she got her start in politics when she realized what children were being taught in schools emphasizing “Critical Race Theory (CRT) wants to divide us.”
Harvard Poll: Trump Would Beat Biden if Election Held Today
A new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll reaffirmed an ongoing trend that former President Donald Trump is increasingly more popular than his successor.
Gun Boom: FBI Ran 187,585 Background Checks on Black Friday Alone
The FBI conducted 187,585 National Instant Criminal Background System (NICS) checks on gun sales and transfers on Black Friday 2021 alone.
Joe Biden Slammed for Calling Trump's Travel Restrictions Racist, Xenophobic, Then Enacting His Own
President Joe Biden on Friday was slammed for enacting travel restrictions on eight countries due to a fresh coronavirus variant after calling former President Trump’s coronavirus travel restrictions in 2020 racist and xenophobic.
Kristol: Realize There Was No Thanksgiving Last Year Before Complaining About Inflation
During Wednesday’s “Newsroom” on CNN, political commentator Bill Kristol argued that people should realize there was no Thanksgiving last year given the COVID pandemic before they complained about inflation causing soaring food prices this year.