Migrant children who cross into the United States either alone or with adults have a nearly three times higher standard of living when in federal custody than the average, middle class American child.
Author: Carol Ford
Federal Judge Jails Paul Manafort: No Bail Before Trial
Federal judge jails ex-Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort ahead of trial, citing recently filed obstruction charges.
Iraqi beauty queen draws criticism for Israel visit…
Iraqi beauty queen draws criticism for Israel visit… (Third column, 15th story, link) Advertise here
China: Banning Religious Garments in Public Boosts 'Social Unity'
China’s state-run Global Times newspaper argued in a column Tuesday that banning all religious garments in public is necessary to achieve “social unity” and contended the act does not portray “religious hatred.”
Whale dies in Thailand after swallowing 80 plastic bags…
Whale dies in Thailand after swallowing 80 plastic bags… (First column, 13th story, link) Advertise here
Some residents of the southern Gulf Islands are worried too many whale-watching boats are chasing too few killer whales — stressing the already at-risk species. Residents report they’ve seen fleets of up to 25 vessels chasing orca pods during the busy summer months when whale watching is at its peak
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