Former Secretary of State John Kerry did not share any secret information about Israel with Iranian official, the State Department says.
Author: Courtney Davis
Report: Biden Cuts Arrests of Criminal Illegal Aliens Up to 80 Percent
President Joe Biden’s administration has cut arrests of illegal aliens conducted by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency by up to 80 percent, a new report details.
CNN Documentary Compares Dystopian 'Handmaid's Tale' to 'Trump's America'
To CNN, women are on the verge of being forced into sexual slavery under President Donald Trump, according to a hyperbolic new documentary on the cable network.
UNIVISIONTELEMUNDO Ignore Lowest Ever Hispanic Unemployment…
UNIVISIONTELEMUNDO Ignore Lowest Ever Hispanic Unemployment… (Second column, 1st story, link) Advertise here
Protesters Chase Homeland Security Secretary From Restaurant…
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Judge trouble after affair with cop — who testified in murder case she presided over!
Judge trouble after affair with cop — who testified in murder case she presided over! (Second column, 8th story, link) Advertise here