Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents identified two fraudulent family units while processing large groups of migrants illegally crossing the border from Mexico. One incident involved a man carrying a young girl he claimed was his daughter. The second involved a woman claiming to be the mother of a teen girl.
Author: Douglas Robinson
NY Daily News: Trump Is a 'Clown Who Plays King' on Independence Day
The New York Daily News, one of President Trump’s hometown papers, released its July 4 holiday edition with a front page mocking Trump as nothing more than a “clown who plays king.”
Leader of Greek Island Community Warns Residents Angry Over Migration May Take Law 'Into Their Own Hands'
The leader of the community of Moria on the Greek island of Lesbos has called on the government to do more to deal with the escalating tensions due to the migrant crisis, warning that citizens may try and take the law “into their own hands.”
Abbas Adviser: Jews Have No Claim to Jerusalem
TEL AVIV – Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ senior adviser Mahmoud al-Habbash last week said that President Donald Trump’s declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is part of a plot to divide the Arab world and that any Jewish connection to the holy city is an imperialist myth and distortion of history.
Obama secret meetings with 2020 contenders…
Obama secret meetings with 2020 contenders… (Second column, 2nd story, link) Advertise here
#MeToo Reckoning…
#MeToo Reckoning… (Third column, 13th story, link) Related stories:CLINTON CLEANS UP LEWINSKY MESS… Advertise here