NORWEGIAN crew member goes overboard, found alive 22 hours later by CARNIVAL ship! (Second column, 17th story, link) Advertise here
Author: Elizabeth Knowles
Donald Trump Endorses Henry McMaster for South Carolina Governorship
President Donald Trump endorsed Henry McMaster for re-election on Saturday in his race for re-election as Governor of South Carolina.
Dinesh D'Souza: I Was Targeted by 'Narcissistic' Obama
Monday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” conservative political commentator and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza said he was prosecuted for making an illegal campaign contribution because his film about former President Barack Obama was “emotionally damaging ” to “a narcissistic president.” D’Souza said, “You have to look at the context of this. Let’s remember, just weeks before all…
Opioid Addiction Surging in Nigeria Among Boko Haram Jihadists
Tramadol, the cheap opioid painkiller, is reportedly fueling widespread addiction in Nigeria and promoting the terrorist campaign at the hands of Boko Haram militants, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned this week.
China Touts Mass Surveillance Goals at ‘Big Data’ Expo
China launched its International Big Data Industry Expo 2018 on Saturday in the city of Guiyang with remarks by Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology Chen Zhaxiong, who boasted of his nation’s establishment of massive data platforms for manufacturing, commerce, finance, transportation, and medical care. The conference is expected to have about 40,000 guests.
Planned Parenthood Asks Trump Labor Board for Help in Busting Union
A Planned Parenthood affiliate has asked Trump labor board members for help in busting its own health care center workers’ attempt to unionize.