An anti-woke black leader denounced the pervasion of racial identity in the country’s culture and urged Americans to achieve a “post-racial” state by encouraging a return to two-parent black families.
Author: Elmer Hughes
Accused Illegal Alien Serial Killer to Face Trial Next Year After Mistrial
Billy Chemirmir, a 48-year-old illegal alien accused of murdering 24 elderly Americans across Collin County and Dallas County, Texas, is likely to face another trial early next year following a mistrial.
Exclusive—Ronna McDaniel: Democrats Think They Can Raise Your Kids Better Than You Can
Democrats are taking their nanny state tendencies to a whole new level. They think politicians can raise your kids better than you can, and they’re not afraid to say it.
Pinkerton: The Mask Comes Off in a Two-Tier Society Where There's One Rule for Elites and Another for the Rest of Us
The rich play by the rules they like for themselves and seek to make the rest of us live by the rules they wish to impose.
Exclusive—Sean Parnell Blasts Biden: His Dereliction of Duty Cost 13 American Families a Loved One
Sean Parnell, Republican candidate for a Pennsylvania U.S. Senate seat and an Afghanistan war veteran who led the infamous “Outlaw Platoon,” told host Matthew Boyle on Breitbart News Saturday, President Joe Biden’s dereliction of duty has cost 13 American families a loved one.
Democrats, Establishment Media Crushed by Senate Republicans Blocking Elections Takeover Bill
Democrats and the establishment media were crushed Tuesday by Senate Republicans’ filibuster of a bill that would hand the federal government control of local elections by canceling voter ID and funding political campaigns with tax money.