The NFL lost millions due to the pandemic in 2020, but they’ll make billions over the next decade through TV deals announced Thursday.
Author: Gerald Crawford
Always looking on bright side bad for health?
Always looking on bright side bad for health? (Second column, 18th story, link) Related stories:Back pain linked to weak glutes… Advertise here
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Democrats have abandoned the center of American politics, ceding that ground to Republicans, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM Patriot 125.
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FBI Agent Peter Strzok Escorted Out of Office Last Friday – Kept Hidden Until Today…
According to multiple confirmed reports last Friday FBI Agent Peter Strzok was escorted out of the building. His employment status is unknown/pending. According to the DOJ Office of the Inspector General a referral for conduct review was sent to the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility for several people outlined within the IG report. Presumably…