Chris Rock saves the Will Smith jokes for last in his new standup special Selective Outrage, which Netflix livestreamed from Baltimore on Saturday.
Author: James Jacobsen
Pope Francis: The Spirit of War is ‘to Destroy Everyone’
Pope Francis reiterated his disbelief in “just war theory” Friday, asserting that “war always diminishes us.”
Biden's Sanctuary Country: Fewer than 30K Illegal Aliens Deported from American Communities in 2022
Fewer than 30,000 illegal aliens, including just about 23,000 convicted criminals, were deported from American communities in Fiscal Year 2022, new Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) figures reveal.
Pro-Migrant Group Claims Half of Migrants in Paris Makeshift Camps Suffer Mental Issues
A pro-migrant association has claimed that half of the hundreds of migrants living in tent camps in Paris suffer from psychiatric issues.
Exclusive – Arizona Republican Kari Lake: Our Campaign Has Morphed into a 'Movement'
Arizona Republican Kari Lake stated that her gubernatorial campaign has morphed into a “movement” during her appearance on Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Saturday with host Matthew Boyle.
Iowa Dem Senate Candidate Mike Franken Shrugs Off Sexual Assault Discrepancies During His Command
Mike Franken recently shrugged off apparent discrepancies in sexual assault figures that occurred while he was deputy commander of Africom.