Tucker Carlson described Alex Marlow’s media blockbuster Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption, as a “prescient” work.
Author: Javier Masters
Bicameral Group Sends Letter to Pelosi Expressing Outrage Over Effort to Overturn Iowa Election
In a letter sent to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) signed by 124 members of House and Senate outraged by her efforts to overturn Iowa’s Second Congressional District election.
Hassan Rouhani: Iran to Make Thousands of Dubious, Homemade Coronavirus Testing Kits
The president of Iran, Hassan Rouhani, announced on Wednesday that the country is preparing to manufacture “hundreds of thousands” of an Iranian version of the testing kit to confirm cases of Chinese coronavirus.
Huff: With Soleimani Gone, Iran Escalates Tensions with Iraqi Kurds
Incensed Iraqi Kurdish officials last week hit back at taunts from Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah, who lashed out at former Iraqi Kurdistan Region (KRG) President Masoud Barzani and Kurdish Peshmerga forces.
Iranian President: Saudis Murdered Khashoggi with ‘Protection of America’
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Wednesday claimed Saudi Arabia murdered Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi with the approval and “protection” of the United States.