Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said during the January 6 Day of Remembrance and Action candlelight vigil, which Antifa partly organized, that Republicans are the “shrinking minority party standing with the most authoritarian, fascistic elements of the whole country.”
Author: Judith Wessel
Company Makes Enough 'Let's Go Brandon' Christmas Wrapping Paper to 'Cover Six NFL Football Fields'
Merchandising company has announced that it has made 260,000 square feet of “Let’s Go Brandon” Christmas wrapping paper.
Nolte: Watch Bruce Springsteen Smear His Own Fans as N-Word Hurling Racists
During an appearance on the far-left CBS Sunday Morning, Bruce Springsteen smeared his own fans as N-word hurling racists.
Delta Air Lines CEO Will Not Enforce 'Divisive' Vaccine Mandate
As Southwest Airlines faces an internal crisis, Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian said his company will not be enforcing a vaccine mandate.
New York Governor May Call in National Guard to Cover for Fired, Unvaccinated Health Workers
Monday is the deadline for health care workers to be vaccinated to comply with New York’s mandate and the state is bracing for a worker shortage if the pledge to fire unvaccinated staff is carried out.
Joe Biden Plans Another Coronavirus Speech as Approval for Handling Pandemic Falls 12 Points
President Joe Biden and his team are planning another coronavirus speech on Thursday, to detail a “six-pronged strategy” to fight the ongoing pandemic, the White House announced Tuesday.