During footage that aired on Friday’s broadcast of FNC’s “Hannity,” host Sean Hannity and long-time Democrat strategist James Carville debated Vice President Kamala Harris’ long-held policy positions, specifically on immigration, fracking and health care. The post Watch: Hannity, Carville Spar over Kamala Harris Stated Policy Positions appeared first on Breitbart.
Author: Kenneth Cobb
ICE Confirms Jordanian Who Tried to Enter Marine Corps Base Entered U.S. Illegally Through Southern Border
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed Thursday that one of two Jordanian nationals who tried to sneak onto a Marine Corps base in Virginia this month had entered the U.S. illegally across the southern border in April. The post ICE Confirms Jordanian Who Tried to Enter Marine Corps Base Entered U.S. Illegally Through Southern…
Robert De Niro Trashes Trump in Expletive-Fueled Rant on 'Kimmel': 'He's So F**king Stupid'
Acclaimed actor Robert De Niro once again trashed former President Donald Trump in yet another expletive-fueled rant this week.
'That's a Blessing': Wisconsin Barber Tipped $1,000 by Preacher
A Wisconsin barber has taken to the local news to thank a random walk-in customer who tipped him $1,000 before leaving to go pray with patients at a children’s hospital.
Bowman: West Bank Is Like Jim Crow South and Israel Won't Have Security Without 'Palestinian Freedom'
On Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Alex Wagner Tonight,” Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) stated that “We have been saying for so long, we are pro-Israel, pro-Israel’s right to exist, pro-Israel’s right to defend itself and self-determination. But we haven’t been saying
Jim Jordan: David Weiss Denied Special Attorney Authority in 2022 to Investigate Hunter Biden
David Weiss admitted he was denied special counsel authority in 2022 to investigate Hunter Biden, which confirms IRS whistleblower allegations.