House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy on Monday formally laid out a plan to hold the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accountable for the coronavirus pandemic, a “roadmap” that includes eight steps Congress can take to do so.
Author: Maria Dunbar
60% of U.S. Colleges Nix Testing Requirement for Admission
Approximately 60 percent of U.S. colleges have nixed testing for student admission amid claims the tests give an advantage to applicants who are white and wealthier than other potential students because they have access to test preparation.
Nancy Pelosi Taunts ‘The Squad' in Upcoming Book: 'You're Not a One-Person Show'
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is said to have tough words for the far-left “Squad” in a forthcoming biography of the longtime California Democrat.
Maxine Waters: Police Believe Their Job 'Is to Keep Black People in Their Place'
Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Sunday on Spectrum News 1’s “In Focus SoCal” that police in America believe “their greatest challenge and their greatest choir is to keep black people in their place.”
Exclusive—Fred Campbell: 'We the People Should Decide Whether' Google, Facebook Can Censor
Former FCC Wireless Bureau Chief Fred Campbell told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on Monday that “We the people should decide” whether Google, Facebook, and Twitter can censor and block content.
Rudy says he SHOULD cooperate with feds…
Rudy says he SHOULD cooperate with feds… (Second column, 11th story, link) Related stories:Trump sued by former chauffeur…COHEN READY TO KICK OFF THE LANNY DAVIS ERA…Keeps Mueller Interview Cliffhanger Going… Advertise here