Pfizer and BioNTech announced Thursday they will seek permission to deliver coronavirus booster shots to healthy elementary-age children down to the age of five.
Author: Robin Dubois
Breitbart News Daily Podcast Ep. 78: Putin Works the West, Trudeau Goes Full Tyrant, Guests: Kash Patel on Durham, Frank Gaffney on Ukraine
Former Trump National Security official Kash Patel discusses the John Durham investigation and why he wants Hillary Clinton to be the Democrat’s nominee in 2024.
Report: Facebook Suppressed Breitbart News Traffic by Twenty Percent
The Wall Street Journal has published internal material from anonymous sources at Facebook revealing that the company introduced tools that suppressed the traffic of Breitbart News by 20 percent, and other conservative publishers by double-digit margins.
Climate Guru Greta Thunberg Gets Message from New Zealand Pizza Outlet: ‘Go to Hell’
Swedish climate change activist Greta Thunberg has in recent days trashed leaders around the globe for not fighting climate change.
Poll: Republican Colorado Senate Win 'Within Striking Distance'
Bremer is “within striking distance” of Bennet in a matchup for the 2022 midterms, according to a poll from Bremer’s campaign.
European Leaders Panic over Prospect of 2015-Style Afghan Migrant Crisis
Haunted by a 2015 migration crisis fueled by the Syrian war, European leaders desperately want to avoid another large-scale influx of migrants from Afghanistan.