HOUSE OF FILTH: 172 Cats Removed From Home… (Third column, 6th story, link) Advertise here
Author: Sara Moore
Poking the bear: US Air Force builds in Russia backyard…
Poking the bear: US Air Force builds in Russia backyard… (Third column, 2nd story, link) Advertise here
SEE MADDOW CRY… (Top headline, 3rd story, link) Related stories:TRUMP VOWS TO STOP ILLEGALS…NEW FEAR ON BORDER…HORRIFYING PHOTOS OF OBAMA’S ILLEGAL ALIEN FACILITIES MEDIA REFUSES TO SHOW…HILL INTERN SCREAMS ‘F*CK YOU!’ AT TRUMP…Protesters Chase Homeland Security Secretary From Restaurant…‘End Texas concentration camps’…SCHWARZENEGGER: Politicians Should Be Held In ‘Cages’… Advertise here
Exclusive — Majority Whip Steve Scalise Joins President Trump in Opposition to Paul Ryan's Amnesty Bill
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise opposes House Speaker Paul Ryan’s amnesty plan, his office confirmed to Breitbart News on Friday. Scalise joins President Donald Trump in opposing the Ryan amnesty plan, which is scheduled at this time for a vote next Thursday in the House.
Pollak: Trump Calls G-7's 'Free Trade' Bluff
President Donald Trump stunned the G-7 on Saturday in Canada with his call for a complete end to all tariffs — and non-tariff barriers to trade, like government subsidies.
Man Kneels During Anthem At White House 'Celebration Of America' Event…
Man Kneels During Anthem At White House ‘Celebration Of America’ Event… (First column, 3rd story, link) Advertise here