Matthew Pottinger, a former national security advisor to President Trump, revealed in Senate testimony this week that the Chinese Communist Party has enough stolen data on American citizens to “build a dossier on every single American adult.”
Author: Theresa Wessel
NFL to Fine Unvaccinated Players for Covid Protocol Violations
The NFL will pay very close attention to whether unvaccinated players follow Covid protocols this season, and if they don’t, the players will end up paying the league.
Nolte: No One Undermined Coronavirus Vaccine Confidence More than Biden and Harris
Although no one has done more to undermine confidence in the coronavirus vaccine than His Fraudulency Joe Biden and Her Vice Fraudulency Kamala Harris, the flailing White House is now blaming the political right’s “fake news” and “false information” for the slowdown in vaccination rates.
Eight-Year-Old Tosses Mattress from Burning Chicago Home's Window, Leaps to Safety
An eight-year-old girl in Chicago whose mom was at work tossed a mattress from her third-story window when a fire broke out and jumped on it to escape, a fire official stated Thursday.
CAITLYN JENNER TALKS POLITICS, TRUMP… (Second column, 13th story, link) Related stories:HOLLYWOOD TRANS-FORMATION… Advertise here
Chicken of the trees: Floridians eating invasive iguanas…
Chicken of the trees: Floridians eating invasive iguanas… (Second column, 15th story, link) Related stories:SNAP: Man BITES OFF rattlesnake’s rattle, turns loose in neighbor’s home… Advertise here