BOOK: President spooked Pentagon with almost-sent tweet on NKorea… (Third column, 3rd story, link) Related stories:WOODWARD SPEAKS: ‘People better wake up to what’s going on’…Says NYT Op-Ed Not Up To His Standards… Advertise here
WashPost: Trump's Economy Boosts Blue-Collar Jobs
President Donald Trump has shifted the economy so that once-disregarded blue-collar manufacturing workers are now recovering jobs faster than coastal service-sector employees, the Washington Post acknowledged Sunday.
'The commentariat no longer determine public opinion'…
‘The commentariat no longer determine public opinion’… (Third column, 5th story, link) Related stories:MAG: Why Trump’s Record Trumps Media’s Spin… Advertise here
Inside Republican rescue mission for Cruz…
Inside Republican rescue mission for Cruz… (Third column, 11th story, link) Advertise here
Pennsylvania Vote Could Swing Congress…
Pennsylvania Vote Could Swing Congress… (Third column, 10th story, link) Advertise here
Durbin: Obama Had 8 Years Without a Major Scandal
Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) claimed former President Barack Obama went eight years in office “without a major scandal.” Partial transcript as follows: TODD: What concerns you more, that there’s an unelected cabal or the reports that come out from these anonymous sources. I mean, doesn’t the President deserve to have…