NEW YORK ( — According to the Rich TVX News Network, at first, it seemed like a small story, but we are sure there is more to it and a detailed investigation would ultimately expose a world of crime, cover-up, fear and favour – reaching all the way to the top of the Kremlin. Someone from the Kremlin insiders is sabotaging the Putin regime. Someone did this because they were linked to the war crimes in Ukraine by their own guilty secrets in their own newsrooms. Too many journalists in Russia had simply ceased to function as independent truth-tellers. The news executive in Russia turned into a preening power-monger, puffed with wealth and self-importance, happy to join the Kremlin elite and not to expose it. Russian television settings may need a little re-configuration by the FSB very soon. This is what happened: Russian satellite television menus were hacked today to show viewers in Moscow messages about the war in Ukraine. The slogans appeared just before the Victory Day parade on Red Square at which Vladimir V. Putin of Russia gave his speech. “You have blood on your hands”, according to screenshots. The photographs showed Moscow satellite television menus on Victory Day, when Russia celebrated the 77th anniversary of Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany, with every channel showing anti-war slogans: “You have the blood of thousands of Ukrainians and hundreds of dead children on your hands,” said one slogan. “The TV and the authorities are lying. No to war,” said another slogan. The story of the TV-hacking scandal happens to have unfolded in Russia, but it could have happened anywhere in the world. Read more here.